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How to Tie Hari-bitta Shibori (Commonly Known as Kanoko Shibori)


Updated: Feb 17

Hari-bitta shibori is a type of kanoko shibori.

In hari-bitta shibori, a wooden spool called koro is used. The tying thread is made of cotton.

1,Kanoko shibori is tied from left to right across the fabric. The fabric is folded on the bias (diagonally to the weave), and the edge of the folded fabric is placed onto the needle of the "Udegane" (a metal arm with a needle).

2,Hold the thread with your right hand while gripping the fabric directly below the needle with your left-hand index finger and thumb. Place the thread end onto the fabric and press it down with your left thumb.

3,Hook the thread onto your right thumb and stretch it taut.

4,While keeping the thread tight with your right thumb, pass it under the "Udegane" and through the loop created by the thread.

5,Pull the koro (spool) downward and forward, then pull it to the right. Repeat this process four times to complete one small dot.

6,Continue tying by spacing each grain apart according to its height. If a pattern is drawn on the fabric, follow it while tying. A variation called bara-bitta shibori, where the dots are spaced several centimeters apart, creates a cute effect and is recommended even for beginners.

7,Continue tying in the same manner. When tightening the thread, maintaining a consistent speed will help ensure that all grains are uniform in size, resulting in a beautifully finished pattern dots.

■ You can purchase tools for Haribikida Shibori from here. ■

【English version】Hari hitta shibori
【Version française】Hari Hikita Shibori
【Versión en español】Hari Hikita Shibori
【中文版】Hari Hikita ShiboriZhōngwén bǎnHari Hikita Shibori


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