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#8 SHIBORI The great wave off Kanagawa

In the previous blog#7, the dyed fabric was untied.

In #8 this time, in order to dye the wave part in dark blue, the fabric that was untied last time is re-tied with the Tako-boushi shibori technique.


When using the Tako-boushi shibori technique, the sewing craftsman will do the 'Ito-ire' work (sewing along the design) before the fabric is tied. Since the craftsman who sew the fabric and the craftsman who tie the fabric are different, in case of a complicated pattern structure, there are places that can only be understood by the craftsman who actually tie the fabric, so 'Ito-toushi' work (breaking the twist of the thread and entwining a new thread through it) is needed to change the 'ito-ire' position.

[extra rare] Ito-toushi


After the Ito-toushi work, the fabric is wrapped around the core.

When expressing a long narrow pattern (e.g. crescent pattern or long narrow strip pattern) two fabrics are layered and gathered, and the fabric is wrapped around the core (Nimai-yose maki-shin).

For the patterns like the letter Z, three fabrics are layered, and for W, four fabrics are layered.

[貴重映像] 2枚寄せ巻き芯 / [extra rare] Nimai-yose maki-shin


This is a video of the Tako-boushi shibori technique. It is an extra rare video that you can see the whole process of Tako-boushi shibori from the work scene of wrapping the fabric with plastic sheet to the final cutting work.


The process of Tako-boushi shibori is a part of the whole production process, but this tied fabric alone is worth as one work.

However, we will move on to the next process to complete the work.


In The great wave off Kanagawa#9 next time, these tied fabric are dyed in dark blue.

To be continued

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