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#5 SHIBORI The great wave off Kanagawa

In the previous article #4, the dyed fabric which was resist dyed with the Saka-boushi shibori technique was untied.

In this article, the fabric is tied again with Saka-boushi shibori, Tako-boushi shibori and Taiko-boushi shibori to dye the wave part with blue.

Tying the fabric to dye only the part surrounded by red.


Saka-boushi shibori, Tako-boushi shiboiri and Taiko-boushi shibori are techniques that cover the fabric with plastic sheet to resist dyeing.

Before covering the fabric with plastic sheet, first, cover the core with the fabric.

Then, the stitched thread is pulled out and the fabric is gathered finely along the stitched line. Equalizing the density is important and can be a very time consuming work. Not too strong, not too weak, awl is used for small parts, also, a spray bottle is used to wet the fabric to prevent the fabric from returning.

At the end, the wrapped core with the fabric is bound with thread firmly so that the core does not shift from the fabric. The first winding is the most important as it will be affected whether or not the resist dyeing can be done well.


After wrapping the core with the fabric, covering the fabric part you want to resist dyeing with a thin clear plastic sheet (0.03mm) for 6 to 7 laps.

Then, binding it firmly.

Finally, bind the fabric part from the top of the plastic sheet so that the air inside covered with plastic sheet does not expand due to the heat during dyeing.


Photos after tying up

It takes a very high level of skill to tie and dye the fabric like this.


This is the end of #5.

Next article #6, these fabrics are going to be dyed in blue.

To be continued


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